Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I remember from my childhood days
Hearing an oft-repeated phrase
That I rejected with a sigh or a pout.
But since that time many years have passed
And I’ve come to realize at last
That Momma knew what life was all about.
One piece of advice stands apart from the others,
Spoken, I’m sure, by hundreds of mothers,
"Honey, this too shall pass."

So when discouragements come
And the weather is glum
And your friends are too busy to care,
When your children are cross
Or there’s a pink slip from the boss
There must be a solution, but where?
One piece of advice stands apart from the others
Spoken in love by hundreds of mothers,
"Honey, this too shall pass."

When the mirror’s unkind,
You fear you’re losing your mind,
You’ve broken, burned and spilled all day.
When you’ve had a fender-bender
Or your appointments you can’t remember,
You think you’ve failed in every conceivable way.
One piece of advice stands apart from the others
Spoken with patience by hundreds of mothers,
"Honey, this too shall pass."

When your burdens are heavy
And your helpers are few,
When you look after the family
But there’s no time for you,
When troubles multiply by the score
Dog tracks, kids’ crises and more—
One piece of advice stands apart from the others
Passed down through generations of mothers,
"Honey, this too shall pass."

When your husband packs his stuff and moves out,
Your nights are engulfed by fear and doubt,
Your loneliness seems more than you can bear.
Or when some dread disease befalls,
Into your home the death angel calls
And you feel yourself sink in despair—
One piece of advice stands apart from the others
Whispered in love by compassionate mothers,
"Honey, this too shall pass."

You’ll find that the answer to your own fervent prayer
Comes far more quickly when God’s comfort you share,
So reach through your pain and take someone’s hand.
Don’t ever forget that God has a plan
To lift—not just your burden—but her burden too.
The hope that she longs for just may come through you.
So, be an encouragement one to another,
Pass on the advice that you learned from your mother,
"Honey, this too shall pass."

1 comment:

tech4Him said...

Very well spoken, Janet! I cringed when I heard those words ... for one I was usuallly in trouble :) Thanks for the reminder!